Amway MyShop
A personalized digital shopfront for Amway business owners to grow product sales, sales attribution and create custom product lists.
Redesign of MyShop; a personal, customizable digital storefront for Amway Business Owners. Shop customization, product curation, sales attribution are some of the key features that help ABOs make sales and engage with customers with MyShop.
Landing page to introduce and highlight the advantages of MyShop to Amway Business Owners
Using a blend of photography, illustrations and brief copy to present benefits in a visually engaging manner. This landing page was designed with scanability and versatility of components in mind as the redesigned MyShop experience will be rolled out to other geographical markets in the future.
Shop setup made simple with clear information architecture
Logical grouping of form elements allow users to provide related information at the same time and stay focused as they move through sections. Icons, images and playful colors help bring back some visual spice into a minimal layout. Default images were intentionally included in the design to avoid image selection being a barrier to completing shop creation, as users can update these at any time in their shop.
Customizable featured products module to showcase popular or relevant products that align with an Amway Business Owner’s personal brand
Users can select from a defined list of products to display in a featured products carousel as the first module on the storefront page.
Curate and customize product lists to share with customers
Lists can be customized with text, category and theme. Users can search the Amway product catalogue to find desired products. Lists can be built around a variety of ideas such as skincare routines, fitness plans, gift giving guides, holidays and more.
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